Friday, November 14, 2008

Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro Ice crown facing the threat of disappearing

This is the aerial on November 11 peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa in the first peak, from glaciers and snow-white composition of the crown has been little snow.

This is the aerial on November 4 peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa in the first peak, from glaciers and snow-white composition of the crown has been little snow.

According to research data shows that Africa's highest peak Kilimanjaro mountain glacier area in the past 80 years has been shrinking for more than 80%, Kilimanjaro Ice crown is facing 50 years in the disappearance of the threat, and the Kilimanjaro glaciers Will disappear in the region brought about serious damage to the ecosystem. Kilimanjaro 5895 meters above sea level, away from the equator more than 300 km only.